Floridian Aluminum Fencing

Floridian aluminum fencing is the ideal style for pool fencing, enclosing yards, and lining walkways. Make your yard look even more beautiful with this clean, sleek design.

The appeal of the Floridian Aluminum fencing style

When looking for a fence that will complement the features of your landscape as opposed to being the main aesthetic piece, the Floridian fence style is for you! This style is one of the most popular aluminum fence styles that lines yards, pools, and sidewalks. Organize the look of your yard and prevent any kids or pets from finding themselves outside your view. Contact us today to get your quote on your property’s fencing needs today!

Floridian Fence Sizing Options

American Heritage Fence offers this style at heights ranging from 36″ – 72″ (3 – 6 feet). This type of aluminum fencing is shorter as to not block too much of your view for your yard, pool, or walkways. Every Floridian style offers three different spacing options: Standard (3.875”), Double Picket (1.5”), and Playground (2.75”). Here at AHFC, we allow our customers a wide variety of spacing options to best fit your budget and aesthetic.

Grade Levels of Floridian Fencing

In North Carolina, you WILL NOT find a better selection of fencing grades; especially for the Flordian style. Below are our grade options that will elevate your property’s look:

  • Residential grade (⅝” x ⅝” square pickets)
  • Parkway grade (1” x ⅝” pickets) 
  • Commercial grade ( ¾” x ¾” pickets)
  • Industrial grade (1” x 1” pickets)

We are proud to offer Parkway grade aluminum – it is what separates us from our competitors, along with our quality workmanship and excellent customer service. With Parkway grade aluminum, the pickets are 1″x 5/8″ compared to Residential grade aluminum where the pickets are 5/8″x5/8″, adding both to the aesthetic and durability of the fence.

What Makes AHFC Fences Different?

Not only is the grade/quality we provide best in the greater Raleigh area, but the variety of options we offer is wider than ALL of our competitors! For instance, almost no one offers pickets that meet the “parkway grade” selection; in fact, you could even bend most of the local competition’s products with a small set of pliers!